Popular Diets: Fad or Fact? (Part 2)

I feel like I should start with…And now back to our regularly scheduled programming! In our newly released episode of the podcast, we continue our chat with one of my favorite fellow registered dietitian nutritionists, Kathleen Zelman. To get the backstory, if you missed it, check out my previous post which was Part 1 of this conversation about fad diets.

In part 2, we really dig into some of the most popular diets out there today. Intermittent fasting, keto, whole 30, gluten-free, food sensitivity testing, and DNA testing, and so much more. If you’re curious about those popular diet books, websites, and want to know what the research says – and the opinion of a nationally recognized food and nutrition expert – give it a listen. And, if you want to know what it was like from someone who TRIED the diets, plus some recommendations for what to do instead of fad diets. Hey, and while you’re at it, why don’t you share it with a friend.

Big thanks to our girlfriend, Kathleen, for sharing her expertise with us!

Listen to Popular Diet: Fad or Fact? here or subscribe via iTunes,StitcherGoogle Play, and more by searching for Southern Fried Girlfriends Podcast on your favorite podcast app. Swing on over to The Southern Fried Girlfriends Facebook page to chat about this topic, get some other resources, and stay connected! 

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