I like to use some of my weekend time to reflect on the previous week and to plan for the coming week. This week, I worked on adding some inspiration to my office and one of the quotes I posted is “What motivates you TODAY?” I think this is a great question to ask each day and I’m working on the answer. Sometimes the answer is the same – I have some specific motivating thoughts, desires, and goals, like “to do work I’m proud of” and “to leave a healthy legacy”. But sometimes I need a little more. And I’m working on that answer. When I dig deep, the answers are also deep. I want to serve God with all my heart – which is scary and exciting. I want to make a difference for Him. How to do that in all areas of my life can be a big question, but not less important.

Great quote via this site.
What about you? Whether work, personal, family, relationships…What motivates you?