Hi! I’m Sherry Coleman Collins, the Southern Fried Nutritionist and champion of mental, spiritual and physical health. I believe in making the nutritious bite the tasty bite and that all foods can fit into a healthy lifestyle. In fact, I adore sweets and can’t really imagine going a day without chocolate – though I keep to a mostly plant-based diet. An avid cook, I teach cooking classes, share recipes, and help people live better by learning to navigate the world of food with ease. I also write about food and nutrition for a variety of online and print publications and am a frequently quoted and interviewed expert in the areas of food allergies, nutrition, and gut health. There’s a whole lot of bad nutrition information out there and I try really hard to cut through the clutter and provide evidence-based, easy to understand, and useful information.

Recently, I became a podcaster and am loving this intimate and fun medium for connecting. The show is really built on my commitment to wholehearted living and the importance of being connected to other people. Learn more about the show and hear from my partner in crime over on the Southern Fried Girlfriends Podcast’s about page.

My most important jobs are as wife to Chad and mother to G. Feeding two persnickety fellows can be a challenge, but I’m committed to helping them learn to love fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, while keeping them happy with a few sweet treats thrown in for good measure. They are particularly fond of PBJ, chocolate chip cookies, and homemade ice cream.

I’m also a person of faith, learning to follow Jesus with my whole heart. Because he loves me, I can love others and I’m working toward doing that well. I believe having a strong spiritual foundation is essential to good health.

Check out my LinkedIn page for details about my professional experiences as a registered dietitian nutritionist, speaker, spokesperson, and writer. If you would like to work with me, feel free to ping me on social media via Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter – or fill out the form on my contact page.

As you can see, I have lots of interests, but nutrition is my professional passion.  Follow along with me as I help you make sense of the mess of nutrition information available…from food Allergies to Zucchini!

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