Finish Well

This time of the year, I always find myself looking ahead. You too? I’m a list maker, a goal setter, a task-oriented doer. It’s in my blood – my mother is the Queen of Busy. It’s good and it’s bad.  Good because I sure do get a lot done. Or at least I make a lot of good lists. Lol!!  Seriously, I do accomplish a lot, but I also find myself starting a stopping projects a lot too.  This time of the year, as I begin to look ahead I also start to look around. I want to finish well.  For me that means asking myself a few specific questions. I hope that these might also inspire you to finish well.Making a list of successes

  • What small projects remain undone? Can I finish any of these in the next week? I have a few. Namely, some cloth napkins that need the edges finished; six small Christmas art projects to complete with my toddler; a super cute caricature that needs to be professionally framed; and a handful of thank you notes that need to be finished (BEFORE CHRISTMAS). I can do these all this week!
  • What’s in the fridge and freezer that need to be gone by December 31? Can I eat it before then? If not, toss them out. I like to start the new year with clean food storage.
  • Is there anyone I need to reach out to in order to express love, appreciation, or to encourage? If so, do it now. This is a biggie for me! I know that the holidays and new year can be a tough time for those who are alone, depressed, or who have experienced a significant loss recently. This is a great way to finish well.

Finally, I like to review my 2016 (current year) goals to see if there’s anything on the list that I can finish up quickly.  Sometimes there is – sometimes there is not.  Either way, a review of the year’s goals helps me finish well.  I also like to take time to consider what successes I had in the current year. I like to start next year’s list with successes in mind.

How about you?  Do you take time to focus on finishing well? Or do you get so focused on the next year that you skip the wrap up?  I’d love to hear your habits!

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