Merry Christmas!

Y’all!  I LOVE Christmas.  It is my absolute favorite holiday. I adore the decorating, the baking, time with family and friends, and the wrapping. I could do without the shopping. But what I love the most is what Christmas is truly about.  Taking time to review the history of my faith and being in awe once again of the Christmas story.


It is mind-blowing to think that God came down in the form of a baby to be with me. To be with us. Among us. That’s what Emmanuel means – God with us. On this day, we celebrate the fact that Jesus was born to a virgin girl in a faraway land to save his people from judgement. It is amazing! The whole story is fantastic. The star. The wise men. The manger. Who could have ever written such a story?! Yet, it is the beginning of a new story that God has written for our behalf. Jesus, of course, would go on to live a sinless life; choose disciples; make a new covenant; and pay the ultimate price with his life. Christmas is the beginning of the road to Calvary. As we gaze upon the sweet babe in the manger, let us also not forget to look ahead to the pain of the cross, and the glory of the resurrection. Oh, it IS the most wonderful time of the year!

Praying that this year, you find your hope in a baby, in a cross, and in an empty tomb.  Merry Christmas, friends!

xo, Sherry

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